All artworks are available for purchase, framed and ready to hang, except for those on the "sold" page. You may call, e-mail or use the form on the Contact page for further information on payment and shipping options. I can ship almost anywhere within the US or overseas for reasonable rates even for the biggest paintings.

All artwork is double-boxed and fully-insured for shipping. Because shipping rates vary depending upon size, weight and destination—I do not use an e-cart application because they cannot accurately calculate those costs. Instead—I take the artwork to Fedex or UPS and have them prepare the work—they will then contact you directly for payment of shipping costs prior to the purchased work being shipped.

To purchase a work, simply contact me and indicate how you would like to pay for the artwork; I recommend using either PayPal or Square—or you can simply send a check to:

Marc Fink
P.O. Box 66
Bass Harbor, Maine 04653

207 266-5884

After full payment is received, I will have a shipper prepare the piece for shipping to you and give you the exact price for shipping to your preferred destination.